Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Assignment 2: Film poster and trailer analysis

The wolf of wall street




Actor, Leonardo Dicaprio, and director, Martin Scorsese, are both clearly mentioned on the poster. They are both very successful in the film industry and ,therefore, attract audiences who are already big fans into watching this movie.

Central image:

Leonardo Dicaprio is in the centre of the poster, wearing a suit. Therefore he illustrates the wealthy, authoritative and professional status he has. He is able to make a connection with the audience with his smile, as if welcoming us to join his world.

Secondary images: 

The people in the background contrast heavily with the central image. The secondary image depicts the true nature of the wolf of wall street- crazy, chaotic and carefree- whereas, the central image depicts the professional, calm and honest facade that Jordan is trying to conserve.




  • Intoduced to main character, Jordan, with him speaking in a voiceover (non-diegetic sound)
  • Jordan also mentions how much money he earned at the age of 26 (49 million dollars) which suggests how successful he is in his business.
  • Up beat music suddenly sounds (non-diegetic) which adds to the excitement 

Build up:

  • Glimpse into the kind of life Jordan and his co workers live in- expensive cars, parties, drinking, yachts, etc. (fast pace)
  • Jordan discussing the rising and lowering of stocks which is a potential risk to his business (Diegetic sound)
  • Same music returns which creates a fun atmosphere (non-diegetic sound)


  • Jordan is doing illegal business in order to earn all this money (Jordan asks this as a rhetorical question in voiceover)
  • The FBI get involved 
  • The same music returns and gets louder (regularly being interrupted by a 'scream' and the word 'MORE' on the screen) which builds the tension and creates a sense of danger.


  • Pool and office parties
  • Expensive cars driving carelessly 
  • Animals
  • Fighting
  • Prostitutes 
  • Money
  • Guns